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Unternehmensberatung, Buchhaltung und Informationstechn. (gesamt)
Firmenwortlaut (lt. Firmenbuch)
5thMind Training & Consulting GmbH
Unternehmensbezeichnung (selbstgewählt)
Radau 75, 5360 St. Wolfgang im Salzkammergut
Anzahl der Mitarbeiter
Handelsgericht Wien
Behörde gem. ECG (E-Commerce Gesetz)
Bezirkshauptmannschaft Gmunden
GLN (der öffentlichen Verwaltung)
Wir über uns
In our business games, 2 to 5 people sit around a table with a game board and form a company in your industry. 2-5 companies play against each other on a limited market and learn and understand business administration, finance and strategy in the truest sense of the word. After each round of the game, a profit and loss account, a balance sheet, a cash flow statement and the key figures are calculated. The goal is to improve this in the next game round. More is learned from one round to the next, and the next game period is filled with more complex content. At the end of our seminars, the participants understand what it means to manage a company successfully and also know how they can contribute to earnings in their current situation. The overriding goal is always optimisation, i.e. increasing sales and reducing costs of the business result. The participants learn about business contexts and the successful management of the company in a playful way. Topics such as balance sheet, profit and loss account, cash flow or key figures lose their horror and are suddenly perceived as exciting and applicable knowledge. Through their activities, the participants are intensely involved in what is happening and recognise the connections between cause and effect much faster. The impact of every management action is felt immediately. Our experience shows: only what is quickly learned is gladly learned. All our courses and programmes contain hard business facts but also include methodically planned entertainment values. We call it Edutainment, which stands for Educational entertainment. Therefore, we have developed over 90 unique board game-based business simulations. With our practical and experience-oriented learning method, we visualise complex economic relationships through a board game: with maximum learning efficiency in the shortest possible time.
WB - Unternehmensberatung einschließlich der Unternehmensorganisation (18.09.2010)
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5thMind Training & Consulting GmbH
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